ACG 150

Daphne D. Martin, PhD

William Ritchie Visiting Fellow in Classics at the University of Sydney


University of Cambridge
PhD in Classics
2020 – present

University of Cambridge
MPhil in Classics (Distinction)
2019 – 2020

Yale University
B.A. in Classics (distinction); B.A. in History of Art (distinction)
2015 – 2019

Daphne D. Martin is a humanist interested in the role of material culture in constructing shared identities for societies past and present. Her research ranges from how communities in the ancient world performed and preserved identity through the creation, use, and deposition of objects to issues of public archaeology and heritage studies in present societies and, in particular, questions of restitution and repatriation.

Dr. Martin recently completed her PhD in Classics (Classical Art and Archaeology) at the University of Cambridge, where she was a Paul Mellon and A. G. Leventis Fellow. Prior to this, she earned her B.A. at Yale University (’19), double majoring in Classics and History of Art.

The topic of her dissertation research, which she is currently shaping into a monograph for publication, is the material construction of identity in archaic Sparta and Lakonia. In the thesis, she draws on cross-disciplinary approaches from archaeology, art history and anthropology to shed light on this elusive and oft-misunderstood society.

Dr. Martin has more than 8 years of fieldwork experience at archaeological sites in Greece and Italy and has worked at museum institutions in Greece, the U.S., the U.K. and the Netherlands, most recently on an on-going provenance research project at the Allard Pierson (University of Amsterdam).

Select Publications

*“Can Be Tamed? Heroic Superiority and the ‘Return from the Hunt’ at Sparta” in The Iconography of the Hunt in the Ancient World, edited by M. Nazarian, L. Phialon, D. Poinsot, and M. Spruyt. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2025.

*“Towards a Lakonian Material Culture Landscape (750-480 BCE)” In Teiresias Supplement Online, edited by M. Helm and S. Nomicos. Vol. 5. Universität Münster, forthcoming 2024.

*(Co-authored with Sherry Lee) “The Feminine Semiotics of Dedication at Epizephyrian Locri (6th-3rd century BCE): from pinakes to votive epigram” In The Materiality of Ancient Greek Identities, edited by E. Gooch and J. Ruddick. Oxford: Bloomsbury Academic, forthcoming 2024.

*“Sensing Devotion at Sparta: The Ivory Adornments at the Sanctuary of Artemis Ortheia (750- 600 BCE)” Archaeological Review from Cambridge 37 (2), 2022: 137–157.

“Archaeology in Greece 2021-2022: Newsround” Archaeological Reports 68, 2022: 43–92.

*”The Color of Cult: Artemis Brauronia and the krokotos” In Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography, edited by C. Brøns, S. Harris and M. Zuchowska. Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books, 2021.

*peer-reviewed publication