ACG 150

Georgia Giannakopoulou, PhD

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Deree-The American College of Greece



University of Glasgow
Ph.D. Sociology

University of Glasgow
M.Phil. Sociology

Deree – The American College of Greece
B.A. Sociology

Georgia Giannakopoulou is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Deree-The American College of Greece, specializing in classical sociology and the Frankfurt School. She teaches courses at the ACG Sociology Department and the International Honors Program, where she also serves as the coordinator of Honors Thesis II. Her research interests focus on Nietzsche, the critiques of modern urban historiographies, and the sociological study of architecture. She holds the David Frisby Athens archive and has edited three books on David Frisby’s social theory. She has translated works by Pyotr Kropotkin, Noam Chomsky, and David Frisby. With a great part of her research further underlining modern, post-19th-century Athens as an exemplary instance of capitalist metropolitan modernity, she has designed and taught a number of courses such as “Strolling Incognito in Athens: The Art of City Walkabouts,” “Monument – Mirage: Sociological Explorations of Collective Forgetting,” and “The Sociology of Modern Athens.”


Select publications

“Τρία ‘ταξίδια’ στην Αθήνα: Γρηγόριος Ξενόπουλος, Κωστής Παλαμάς, Σπυρίδων Παγανέλης” [Three ‘Journeys’ to Athens” Gregorios Ksenopoulos, Kostes Palamas, Spyridon Paganelis]. Athenian Calendar 2023, Athens: Filippotis [Greek]

(with) Graeme Gilloch (eds.), The Detective of Modernity – Essays on the Work of David Frisby. New and London: Routledge, 2021

“Περί Μνημείων και Αρχαιοτήτων.” [On Monuments and Antiquities] Athenian Calendar 2021, Athens: Filippotis

“Ο Κωνσταντίνος Μπίρης και η Κοινωνιολογία της Αθήνας.” [Konstantinos Bires and the Sociology of Athens]. Athenian Calendar 2019, Athens, Filippotis

“Modern Athens: Illuminating the ‘Shadows of the Ancestors’.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 33(1) 2015: 73-103

“Modern Antiquity: an Introduction to Athenian Metropolitan Modernity.” Journal of Greek Media and Culture, 1(1) 2014:113-126