ACG 150

Dr. Ion N. Beratis

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Deree - The American College of Greece

Dr. Ion N. Beratis is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Chair of the Institutional Review Board at Deree – The American College of Greece. He is also an external supervisor at the Alzheimer’s Center of the Psychogeriatric Association “Nestor” and a research associate at the 1st Department of Neurology, Eginitio Hospital. He holds a Psychology Degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an MSc in Neuropsychology from the University of Edinburgh, and a PhD in Neuropsychology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He completed clinical training in cognitive psychotherapy through the Hellenic Association of Cognitive Psychotherapies. Dr. Beratis has conducted research at the American College of Greece, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Patras, and the University Mental Health Research Institute of Athens. His work is published in international journals and presented at scientific conferences. He has received several awards and reviews for international journals in Neuropsychology. Additionally, he is a founding member of the Hellenic Neuropsychological Society and a member of the Hellenic Society of Cognitive Psychotherapies.


Indicative Publications in Peer-Reviewed International Journals

  • Moustaka, K., Nega, C., & Beratis, I. (2023). Exploring the impact of age of onset of mild cognitive impairment on the profile of cognitive and psychiatric symptomsGeriatrics, 8(5), 96.
  • Koros, C., Brockmann, K., Simitsi, A., Bougea, A., Liu, H., Hauser, A., Schulte, C., Lerche, S., Pachi, I., Papagiannakis, N., Antonelou, R., Zahou, A., Wurster, I., Efthymiopoulou, E., Beratis, I., Maniati, M., Moraitou, M., Michelakakis, H., Paraskevas, G. P., . . . Stefanis, L. (2023). Impact of APOE Genotype on Cognition in Idiopathic and Genetic Forms of Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders, 38(5), 907–909.
  • Koros, C., Beratis, I., Matsi, S., Bougea, A., Bonakis, A., Papatriantafyllou, I., Angelopoulou, E., Kapaki, E., Stefanis, L., & Papageorgiou, S. G. (2022). Prosopagnosia, Other Specific Cognitive Deficits, and Behavioral Symptoms: Comparison between Right Temporal and Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia. Vision, 6(4), 75.
  • Papastefanopoulou, V., Stanitsa, E., Koros, C., Simoudis, A., Florou-Hatziyiannidou, C., Beratis, I., Antonelou, R., Andronas, N., Voskou, P., Angelopoulou, E., Papatriantafyllou, J., Stefanis, L., Kroupis, C., & Papageorgiou, S. G. (2022). APOE allele frequency in Southern Greece: Exploring the role of geographical gradient in the Greek population. Geriatrics, 8(1), 1.
  • Mougias, M., Beratis, I., Moustaka, K., Alexopoulos, P., & Assimakopoulos, K. (2023). The differential role of executive apathy in Alzheimer’s disease dementia, mild cognitive impairment and healthy cognitive ageing. Geriatrics, 8(2), 38.
  • Simitsi A.M., Koros C., Stamelou M., Beratis I. N., Efthymiopoulou E., Papadimitriou D., Bougea A., Picillo M., Stanitsa E., Papagiannakis N., Antonelou R., Pachi I., Papageorgiou S.G., Barone P., Stefanis L. (2022). Asymptomatic carriers of the p.A53T SNCA mutation: Data from the PPMI study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 98, 72-74.
  • Stanitsa E., Economou A., Beratis I. N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Papastefanopoulou V., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Kroupis C., Papatriantafyllou J., Stefanis L., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S. G. (2021). Effect of Apolipoprotein E4 on the Driving Behavior of Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia.  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 84, 1005-101.
  • Economou A, Beratis IN, Papadimitriou E, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG (2021). Intraindividual variability in driving simulator parameters of healthy drivers of different ages. Transportation Research Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 78, 91-102.
  • Liozidou A, Traikapi A, Stanitsa E, Kontaxopoulou D, Fragkiadaki S, Beratis I, Nunez-Fernandez S, Rivera D, Kingsley K, Arango-Lasprilla JC. (2021). Neuropsychology in Greece: Results from a survey of practicing professionals. Appl Neuropsychol Adult, 30, 340-351.
  • Bougea A, Koros C, Papagiannakis N, Simitsi AM, Prentakis A, Papadimitriou D, Pachi I, Antonelou R, Angelopoulou E, Beratis I, Bozi M, Papageorgiou SG, Trapali XG, Stamelou M, Stefanis L (2021). Serum Uric Acid in LRRK2 Related Parkinson’s Disease: Longitudinal Data from the PPMI Study. Parkinsons Dis., 11, 633-640.
  • Koros C, Simitsi AM, Papagiannakis N, Bougea A, Prentakis A, Papadimitriou D, Pachi I, Antonelou R, Angelopoulou E, Beratis I, Bozi M, Papageorgiou SG, Trapali XG, Stamelou M, Stefanis L. (2021). Serum uric acid level as a putative biomarker in Parkinson’s disease patients carrying GBA1 mutations: 2-Year data from the PPMI study. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 84, 1-4.
  • Economou A, Pavlou D, Beratis I, Andronas N, Papadimitriou E, Papageorgiou SG, Yannis G. (2020). Predictors of accidents in people with mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease and healthy controls in simulated driving.  Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 35, 859-869.
  • Ramos EM, Koros C, Dokuru DR, Van Berlo V, Kroupis C, Wojta K, Wang Q, Andronas N, Matsi S, Beratis IN, Huang AY, Lee SE, Bonakis A, Florou-Hatziyiannidou C, Fragkiadaki S, Kontaxopoulou D, Agiomyrgiannakis D, Kamtsadeli V, Tsinia N, Papastefanopoulou V, Stamelou M, Miller BL, Stefanis L, Papatriantafyllou JD, Papageorgiou SG, Coppola G. (2019). Frontotemporal dementia spectrum: first genetic screen in a Greek cohort. Neurobiol Aging, 75, 224.e1-224.e8
  • Vardaki S, Dickerson AE, Beratis I, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2019). Driving difficulties as reported by older drivers with mild cognitive impairment and without neurological impairment. Traffic Inj Prev, 20, 630-635. 
  • Spyropoulos, D. C. & Beratis, I. N. (2018). Leadership initiatives inspired by New York City to decrease stigma of mental illness in Athens, Greece. Psychology & Education, 55, 119-131.
  • Sakellariou MO & Beratis IN. (2018). The impact of training and therapeutic practice on body awareness of Trainees and Body Psychotherapists at the Greek Biosynthesis Centre – A pilot study. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 17, 66-84.
  • Papageorgiou SG, Beratis IN, Pavlou D, Stamatelos P, Fragkiadaki S, Kontaxopoulou D, Andronas N, Economou A, Papanikolaou A, Yannis G. (2018). Neuropsychology and driving behavior: analysis of a complex correlation. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience and Mental Health, 1, 69-73.
  • Fragkiadaki S, Beratis IN, Kontaxopoulou D, Pavlou D, Andronas N, Papanicolaou A, Economou A, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2018). Self-awareness of Driving Ability in the Healthy Elderly and Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 32, 107-113.
  • Koros C, Stamelou M, Simitsi A, Beratis IN, Papadimitriou D, Papagiannakis N, Fragkiadaki S, Kontaxopoulou D, Papageorgiou SG, Stefanis L. (2018). Selective cognitive impairment and hyposmia in p.A53T SNCA PD vs typical PD. Neurology, 90, 864-869.
  • Papageorgiou SG, Voskou P, Economou A, Beratis IN, Douzenis A. (2018). Testamentary Capacity Assessment Tool (TCAT): a brief instrument for patients with dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 61, 985-994.
  • Beratis IN, Pavlou D, Papadimitriou E, Andronas N, Kontaxopoulou D, Fragkiadaki S, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2017). Mild Cognitive Impairment and driving: Does in-vehicle distraction affect driving performance? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 103, 148-155.
  • Beratis IN, Andronas N, Fragkiadaki S, Kontaxopoulou D, Pavlou D, Papantoniou P, Stamelou M, Stefanis L, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2017). Exploring the association of the Comprehensive Trail Making Test with driving indexes in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, ahead of print.
  • Georgakis MK, Papadopoulos FC, Beratis I, Michelakos T, Kanavidis P, Dafermos V, Tousoulis D, Papageorgiou SG, Petridou ET. (2017). Validation of TICS for detection of dementia and mild cognitive impairment among individuals characterized by low levels of education or illiteracy: a population-based study in rural Greece. The Clinical Neuropsycholist, ahead of print.
  • Kontaxopoulou D, Beratis IN, Fragkiadaki S, Pavlou D, Yannis G, Economou A, Papanicolaou AC, Papageorgiou SG. (2017). Incidental and Intentional Memory: Their Relation with Attention and Executive Functions. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 32, 519-532.
  • Beratis IN, Fragiadaki S, Kontaxopoulou D, Andronas N, Pavlou D, Economou A, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2017). Driving performance in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): the role of depressive symptoms. Traffic injury prevention, 18, 470-476.
  • Fragkiadaki S, Kontaxopoulou D, Beratis IN, Andronas N, Economou A, Yannis G, Papanicolaou A,  Papageorgiou SG. (2016). Self-awareness of cognitive efficiency: differences between healthy elderly and patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 38, 1144-1157.
  • Papageorgiou SG, Beratis IN, Horvath J, Herrmann Fr, Bouras C, Kövari E. (2016). Amnesia in frontotemporal dementia: shedding light on the Geneva historical data. Journal of Neurology, 263, 657-664.
  • Pappa E, Apergi FS, Ventouratou R, Janikian M, Beratis IN (2016). Online gaming behavior and psychosocial well-being in Greek adolescents. The European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 15, 1988-1998.
  • Vardaki S, Devos H, Beratis IN, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2016). Exploring the association between working memory and driving performance in Parkinson’s disease. Traffic injury prevention, 17, 359-366.
  • Vardaki S, Dickerson AE, Beratis IN, Yannis G, Papageorgiou SG. (2016). Simulator measures and identification of older drivers with MCI. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70, 1-10.
  • Bamidis PD, Fissler P, Papageorgiou SG, Zilidou V, Konstantinidis EI, Billis AS, Romanopoulou E, Karagianni M, Beratis IN, Tsapanou A, Tsilikopoulou G, Grigoriadou E, Ladas A, Kyrillidou A, Tsolaki A, Frantzidis C, Sidiropoulos E, Siountas A, Matsi S, Papatriantafyllou J, Margioti E, Nika A, Schlee W, Elbert T, Tsolaki M, Vivas AB, Kolassa IT. (2015). Gains in cognition through combined cognitive and physical training: the role of training dosage and severity of neurocognitive disorder. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, 152.
  • Beratis IN, Papageorgiou SG. (2014). Heart surgery and the risk of cognitive decline. Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 31, 186-190.
  • Tsiantis AC, Beratis ΙN, Syngelaki ΕM, Stefanakou Α, Asimopoulos A, Sideridis GD, Tsiantis J. (2013). The Effects of a Clinical Prevention Program on Bullying, Victimization, and Attitudes toward School of Elementary School Students. Behavioral Disorders, 38, 243-257.
  • Stathopoulou A, Beratis IN, Beratis S. (2013). Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure, risk of schizophrenia, and severity of positive/negative symptoms. Schizophrenia Research, 148, 105-110.
  • Tourikis ID, & Beratis IN. (2013). Community psychological stressor-induced secondary sex ratio decline after a seismic sequence in the Greek island of Zakynthos. Journal of Biosocial Science, 45, 231-238.
  • Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Kyprianou M, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. (2013). Investigation of the link between handedness and higher order cognitive functions, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35, 393-403.
  • Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Papadimitriou GN, & Papageorgiou C. (2011). Eysenck’s model of personality and psychopathological components in right- and left-handers. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1267-1272.
  • Moukas G, Gourzis P, Beratis IN, Beratis S. (2010). Sex differences in prepsychotic “prodromal” symptomatology and its association with Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale active phase psychopathology in male and female patients. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51, 546-551.
  • Moukas G, Stathopoulou A, Gourzis P, Beratis IN, Beratis S. (2010). Relationship of “prodromal” symptoms with severity and type of psychopathology in the active phase of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 51, 1-7.
  • Papageorgiou C, Beratis IN, Rabavilas AD, Nanou ED, Hountala CD, Maganioti AE, Capsalis CN, Papadimitriou GN, & Stefanis CN. (2010). Pre-attentive operation and psychoticism: a P50 event related potential study. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 593-599.
  • Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. (2010). Effect of handedness on Stroop Colour Word Task. Laterality, 15, 597-609.
  • Beratis IN, Rabavilas A, Nanou ED, Hountala C, Maganioti AE, Capsalis CN, Papadimitriou GN, Papageorgiou C. (2009). Effect of initiation-inhibition and handedness on the patterns of the P50 event-related potential component: a low resolution electromagnetic tomography study. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 5, 51.