ACG 150

Dr. Vasileios Vlaseros

Assistant Professor, Economics, Finance and Management Information Systems, Deree - The American College of Greece


University of Edinburgh
PhD, Economics

University of Athens
MPhil, Economics

University of Athens
MSc, Applied Mathematics

University of Athens
Ptychnion, Mathematics

Vasileios graduated from Athens University with a Ptychion in Mathematics, an MSc in Applied Mathematics and an MPhil in Economics. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Edinburgh for his thesis entitled: “Essays on Strategic Voting and Political Influence. “

His main research interests lie within the fields of Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Intelligent Systems, Fintech & Payments Systems.

Vasileios has collected 20+ years of experience as head of data analytics and big data, head of digital transformation, advanced data analytics expert, funding solutions and structured finance expert, an OTC derivatives trader and a syndicated bond loan officer at the National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank.