ACG 150

Evangelia Baralou, PhD

Academic Director, MSc in Tourism Management, ALBA Graduate Business School
Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies at the Open University Business School, UK



Strathclyde University, UK
PhD, Organizational Knowledge Creation in Virtual Teams (SAMS Award)
2001 – 2006

Strathclyde University, UK
MSc, Business Information Technology Systems (SAAS Award)
1999 – 2000

Athens University of Economics and Business
BSc, Computer Science (Admission Distinction Award)
1994 – 1999

Evangelia Baralou, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies at the Open University Business School, in the UK, as well as Academic Director of the MSc in Tourism Management at ALBA Graduate Business School. Previously, she was appointed as Lecturer in Management at Stirling University, UK and has worked as a research and teaching assistant at Strathclyde University, Glasgow University, University of Liverpool, Bath University and Athens University of Economics and Business. She holds a PhD in Organizational Knowledge Creation in Virtual Teams (University of Strathclyde), an MSc in Business Information Systems (University of Strathclyde) and a BSc in Computer Science (Athens University of Economics and Business). Evangelia’s teaching and research interests include the use of virtual reality to improve the student experience at all levels of education and especially for students with learning difficulties. Evangelia is also interested in the use of serious games for reskilling and upskilling to advance racial and gender equity at work. Recent research projects include ‘Virtual Inclusion: Tackling Hate and Extremism in the UK’ and ‘Exploring the Use and Impact of Simulation Games for Teaching and Learning.’ She has published her research in leading academic journals and has been nominated for the Roland Calori best paper award.


[1] Baralou, E. and Dionysiou, D. (2021) ‘Routine Dynamics in Virtual Teams: The Role of Technological Artifacts’, Information Technology and People. (Early access) DOI:

[2] Baralou, E., Daskalaki, K., Georgiadis, E., Katsoni, V., Malliou, P. and Panagiotou, G. (2020) GoFit Erasmus Project: A Transdisciplinary Approach for Exercise, Health and Tourism. In Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era (pp. 281-289). Springer, Cham.

[3] Baralou, E. and Tsoukas, H. (2015) ‘How is new organizational knowledge created in a virtual context? A dialogical approach’, Organization Studies, 36(5), 593-620. Nominated for the Roland Calori best paper award.

[4] Baralou, E. and McInnes, P. (2013) ‘Relational Emotions in Teleworking: Speech genres and the co-construction of fluid space and stable identities’, New Technology, Work and Employment, 28(2), 160-175.

[5] Baralou, E. Wolf, P. Meissner, J. O. (2012) ‘Bright, Excellent, Ignored: The Contribution of Luhmann’s System Theory and Its Problem of Non-Connectivity to Academic Management Research’, Historical Social Research, Historische Sozial forschung, No. 142, HSR Vol. 37 (2012), 4.

[6] Vardaxoglou, G. and Baralou, E. (2012) ‘Developing a Platform for Serious Gaming: Open Innovation through Closed Innovation‘, In proceeding of 4th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications(VS-GAMES’12), Procedia Computer Science, p 111-121.

[7] Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, René John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann (Eds.) (2011) ‘Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking.’ Qualitative Methoden zur Managementforschung in sozialen Systemen, Historical Social Research, Historische Sozial forschung, No. 135, HSR Vol. 36 (2011), 1, Special Issue.

[8] Baralou, E. (2011) ‘Knowledge Management during the period of the financial crisis.’ In O. Epitropaki, K. Kyriakopoulos and S. Zarkos (Eds.), Management during periods of crisis: 149-158. Athens: Kastaniotis Press.

[9] Hallier, J. and Baralou, E. (2010) ‘Other Voices, Other Rooms: Differentiating Social Identity Development In Organizational And ProAm Virtual Teams’, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25(2), 154-166.

[10] Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, Ren John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann (2010) ‘Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking’, FQS, 11(3).

[11] Baralou Evangelia, (2009) ‘How is organizational knowledge created in virtual teams’, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG

[12] Baralou, E. and Shepherd, J. (2007) ‘Going Virtual’ in Pagani, M. (2nd edition) ‘Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking’, Idea Publishing.

[13] Panteli, N., Cochliou, D. and Baralou, E. (2006) ‘Career Issues for Women Returners in the UK IT industry’ in Trauth, E. (eds.) ‘Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology’, Idea Group Reference.