Aalborg University Denmark
Ph.D. Candidate in Wireless Communications, Electrical Engineering
2019 – Present
NUST-Military College of Signals (MCS) Rawalpindi, Pakistan
MS Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering
2011 – 2014
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad, Pakistan
BS Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering
2007 – 2011
Muhammad Haroon Tariq is a PhD candidate at Aalborg University in Denmark. He studied Electrical Engineering with majors in Telecommunication from COMSATS University Islamabad in 2011, where his final year project was on compact antenna design for LTE applications. He obtained his masters degree from the NUST-Military College of signals (2014), where his MS thesis was devoted to the topic of microwave beamforming using frequency selective surfaces. From Nov. 2015 to Dec. 2016 he was a postgraduate researcher at Frederick University in Nicosia, Cyprus, where he worked on dynamically reconfigurable RF devices and SWIPT systems. He is currently an early stage researcher (ESR) for the European ITN Project PAINLESS, for which he works on the topic of energy-autonomous portable access points. His research interests include microwave engineering, wireless communication systems, electromagnetic theory, radio wave propagation, antenna design and RF design and energy harvesting. He has published two journal articles and two conference papers on these topics and was the recipient of an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. He has earned 1st place in an All-Pakistan Electronics Olympiad and 2nd place in an All-Pakistan Entrepreneurship Forum, both in 2011.
Muhammad Haroon Tariq, Ioannis Chondroulis, Panagiotis Skartsilas, Nithin Babu, Constantinos B. Papadias, “mm Wave Massive MIMO Channel Measurements for Fixed Wireless and Smart City Applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), August 2020
Muhammad Haroon Tariq, Dimitrios D. Ntaikos, Constantinos B. Papadias, “Design Guidelines for Multi-Active / Multi-Passive Parasitic Antenna Arrays”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL), September 2020
Muhammad Haroon Tariq, Abdul Quddious, M. Ali Babar Abbasi, Symeon Nikolaou, ” On the Use of Tunable Power Splitter (PS) for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transmission (SWIPT) Receivers,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (IJAP), 2018